My own world Apr. 2023 | Page 2


Massimo is a self-taught Italian freelance photographer with a background in environment , travel reportage , aerials and landscapes . With over 30 years of photographic experience , he has shot production stills for several exhibitions , magazines , brochures and books . He was the only European photographer to win a prize at the United Nations “ Focus on Your World ” international Competition during the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro . Attention to detail , finding the extraordinary in the everyday and taking a fresh perspective drive his work . His key contributions have been to : Fotopratica , FOTOCult , Reflex , Royal Photographic Society - Travel , Still Pictures Library , Bureau of Freelance , Collins Educational , Meridiani , Icelandair , Francorosso , Malan Viaggi , SeiViaggi , Heinemann Publishing , White Star Publishing , Phillip Allers Ltd , The Journal of Wound , Socialist International , Kingfisher and David West Books , Eine Welt , McMillan , Icelandair Magazine , National Geographic , Iceland Monitor , Lens Culture and Icelandic Times .

Key Exhibitions : Group : 1989 Westpac ArtGallery - Melbourne ( Australia ) , 1989 SICOF – Milan ( Italy ), 1994 Castel S . Angelo - Rome ( Italy ), 1995 PhotoPadova - Fiera di Padova ( Italy ), 2004 - Los Angeles Center for Digital Art ( USA ), 2013 Castello Sforzesco Vigevano ( Italy ), 2015 ArtEXPO - Ada Art Gallery - Barcellona ( Spain ), 2015 - EGOS X - Royal Arcade Gallery - London ( UK ), 2019 Spazio Porpora Art Gallery – Milan ( Italy )
Solo : 1988 - PhotoVeneto gallery - Venice ( Italy ), 1990 - Lagrange Gallery - Turin ( Italy ), 1994 - Galleria V . Emanuele - CRAL - Milan ( Italy ), 1995 - Borsa Italiana del Turismo - BIT Milan ( Italy ), 1996 - Aidama Festival - Abano Terme ( Italy ), 1998 - AGFA Gallery - Milan ( Italy ), 1998 - Circolo Fot . Milanese - Milan ( Italy ), 2013 - Tour de Villa Castle - Aosta ( Italy ), 2019 – Villa Amoretti – Torino ( Italy ).