Behind. I realized I would be late for school if I drove any slower so I sped up since the roads didnt seem that bad to me. I came around a corner and lost control of my truck. I hit the side of the ditch and rolled my truck twice. I was not injured from it but I felt like I had made the worst action of my life. I wanted to hide when I saw the flashing lights of the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks coming down the road. What suprised me the most is that the police department didnt take my liscense away that day. They said that they didnt have enough sand on the road so it wasnt my fault even through it was. I lost my truck since it was considered a total loss but they salvaged the motor out of it and now it is in another truck that my family is thinking about selling. That day taught me that its better to go 40 than 55 on icy roads.
Over the past few years i've been in high school i've noticed many things. I've learned that people will not change and will always be a certain way and I cant change
The way people are no matter what they do. I've had issues accepting how others are and why they do things I dont understand but a wise man once told me there was a certain quote that was god give me the power to change the things I can and the power to know the difference. I've also gained a new outlook on life. I see life as living who you are and working hard to get the things you want and getting through all the hardships you are faced with wether that be losing a loved one, ending a relationship, losing firends, and being abandoned. Life is worth living for things get better with time. High school is just a place where you may notice the issues more than later than life since you're constantly worrying about where life will take you. Life in the end will sort itself out. And its easier to accept and move on than to fight and live in the past the rest of your life.