My Italian Link - Issue #09 My Italian Link Issue #09 | Page 48

48 E D U C AT I O N OPIFICIO: TURNING OLD TO GOLD -- The house of sapient master restorers, Opificio delle Pietre Dure has upheld over a 400-year-old tradition of preserving the artistic and architectural landscape of Italy. Now the Central Institute of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, L’Opificio also hosts a museum and organises tertiary education programmes. MASTERS OF THE ELEMENTS The restorative work by Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Workshop of Semi-Precious Stones) in Florence ranges from tapestries and bronze works to ancient weapons, paintings on canvas, wood, paper and membrane materials, ceramics, plastics, tombstones, mosaics and semi-precious stones, gold, wall paint, polychrome wooden sculptures, and textiles. Among the most influential projects by the institute are Ver- rocchio’s The Incredulity of Saint Thomas from Orsanmichele, Giotto’s Cross, Masaccio’s Trinity in Santa Maria Novella, Donatello’s Pulpit in the Dome of Prato, and Raffaello’s Madonna of the Gold- finch at the Uffizi. The Opificio operates nationally and has ongoing partnership pro- grammes with several institutions of the public and private sector. cellence worldwide. The International Training Projects foster an innovative approach to the industry and explore a range of tech- niques for promotion and conservation. They include visual and performing arts, protection from criminal action, jurisprudence and data management. For more information on the Internatio- nal Training Projects, visit ART ALIVE Since the time of Ferdinando I de’ Medici, the Opificio has made Italian artistic heritage shine. As Amici dell’Opificio president Patri- zia Pietrogrande puts it: "The kind of emotion one feels when seeing a piece of art return to its ancient splendour is really special." In hommage to the achievements made through hundreds of years of meticulous work by the staff of the Opificio, a museum collects outs- SHARING THE KNOWLEDGE tanding samples of art and arti- Keen to follow the steps of the wor- facts. The halls of the museum il- ld’s greatest restorers? The Opifi- lustrate centuries of Florentine art Marco Ciatti, cio’s School of Tertiary Education and the evolution of restoration Superintendent Opificio delle Pietre Dure and Studies passes on centuries techniques. Ancient marbles and of expertise to new generations. A sculptures are among the most five-year diploma at the institute is equivalent to a master’s suggestive collections on display. A scientific laboratory corrobo- degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, rates the attention paid to restoration projects through research and moulds students in theoretical and practical expertise. in the fields of biology, chemistry and physics. Climatology stu- There are five separate majors accessible to Italian and Euro- dies are also used for preventative conservation. pean citizens. At the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, no aspect of conservation and Non-European students can access the Opificio through a range restoration is overlooked. With an holistic approach to heritage, of International Training Projects. These projects consist of its preservation and promotion, the Opificio encourages active courses and international partnerships aimed at promoting ex- dialogue in the vibrant Italian art scene. “ Any restoration on which we are called to work, in Italy or abroad, becomes an opportunity to experiment, research and study. ” ~ BY NUMBERS 1588 - Ferdinando I founds L’Opificio 11 departments 5 formative courses 13 international theory courses 15 international seminars 65 participants in International Training Projects 14 international educational partnerships 49