GREECE Xanthi 7 GYMNASIO XANTHIS 251- 500 students
7 ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΞΑΝΘΗΣ / 7 GYMNASIO XANTHIS http :// 7gym-xanth . xan . sch . gr / autosch / joomla15 /
Age : 10-14 Anatoliki Makedonia , Thraki northern part of Greece , in a semi urban area . 30 % of them are Muslims and a 20 % come from former Soviet Union Republics
ITÁLIA , Sezze , Lazio Pacifici dé Magistris 501 – 2000 students Age : 10-14 Students come from different parts of the town : city centre , outskirts and rural areas . Students attend the compulsory hours and , if they want , they receive extra instrumental music lessons . The school protects their languages and culture , through intercultural activities . For special need students there are many activities to integrate them ( Laboratories , performances ) stimulating their potential abilities . all follow a compulsory curriculum with the study of three foreign languages ( English , French and German
www . pacificidemagistris . it
ESPANHA , Aguadulce , Andalucía 251 – 500 students Age : Sec . IES Carlos III pupils of 19 different nationalities bilingual education in English in four subjects : Social Sciences , Natural Sciences , Technology and Physical Education Participation in various projects is a way to motivate many of these students as they come with a lower level of knowledge , especially in foreign language , and to help them integrate at school . www . iescarlosiii . es
PORTUGAL 501-2.000 students Age : 6-19 www . aedfl . pt
Agrupamento de Escolas D . Filipa de Lencastre Lisboa , Portugal 3