PDF to Professional Page-Flipping eBook Utility
User Document
You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble,
otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed Software, or any subset of the licensed
Software, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in
immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by A-PDF Solution.
Installing and using the Software signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the
If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove the Software files from
your storage devices and cease to use the product.
How to Order
Order Online (http://www.flippagemaker.com/flippingbook-maker-pro\index.html) or Order
Toll Free 1-877-353-7297 (When you order toll free just give the operator the product
number of the product you would like).
How to purchase online?
1. Select a license type above, and click [Buy Now]
2. Select the currency that you want to use. (You can also continue shopping)
3. Fill billing information and select a payment method. (Your information is safe with us)
4. Check the information you filled previously and click "Place Secure Order"
Other Order Ways—With Phone/Mail/Fax/Check:
If you are not comfortable ordering online witha credit card, you are welcome to choose an
offline order option in the payment section of the order process. We accept mail, fax, wire,
and PO (if applicable) ordering options in addition to ordering online. We also provide
phone orders through our 24x7 order desk at 1-877-353-7297, or (952) 646-5331 for
International Callers.
Copyright 2010 by flippagemaker.com
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