My first work irocker_pregneant_woman_6-4-2019

Can Pregnant Women SUP Safely? GARY MONROE – GLOBALDIGITALONLINE.COM 02 Mar Our iROCKER team thinks so. If you’ve ever been pregnant or know someone who has, you know a mom-to- be has to adjust her workouts with her pregnancy. I mean honestly, sometimes you get to the point in a pregnancy where you feel like an oversized wrestler and cannot wait to see your new little ray of sunshine outside of your body! You just keep thinking, let’s have this baby now! But you know your sweet little cherub is coming when they’re ready, so just accept the wait. When you get to that point, wanting to do any kind of exercise can seem like an awful idea, am I right? But your doctor will most likely tell you to exercise helps, so get some sunshine and move that mommy-to-be body.