My first work Clipping Mask in Photoshop | Seite 2
This PDF contains a simple Photoshop tutorial to help bloggers be more creative with
their blog. I will show you step by step how to create clipping mask for custom photo
layouts and some artistic typography. If you want to have a unique, stylish,
professional looking blog this tutorial can be a useful guide for you to get started with.
You will need an Adobe Photoshop software to get started. If you don’t have it, you
can download a free trial here .
Tutorial 1 - How to Style Your Typography Using Clipping Masks
Step 1 - Open you Photoshop software and make a new document. If you are
planning to use the graphics for web, “72” dpi resolution is highly recommended. Next,
type in the words you want to use and design. On this tutorial I will be using “MY BLOG”.
Step 2 - Next step is to create a new layer on the top of the text layer. On your
photoshop top toolbar, click Layer > > New > > Layer. Or click the paper icon in the right
bottom corner of the layers panel next to the trash can icon. After that you’ll have a
transparent blank new layer where you can draw anything.