There’s Something GOOD About This Time of the Month!?
Now here’s a strange one that is for the ladies, only.
Studies have demonstrated that the 2-week period prior to the onset of
PMS is one in which fat burning capacity is at a premium.
This is ironic indeed; because that’s usually the period in which women
don’t want to workout; because their body and its emotional computer are
preparing for PMS. However, studies in Australia have shown that women
were able to burn off as much as 30% more fat in the 2 weeks preceding
The reason for this, researchers argue, is because this is when the female
body’s production of estrogen and progesterone are at their highest.
Since these hormones tell the body to use fat as a source of energy,
exercising during this time can really pay off. The body will be inclined to
target fat cells for catabolism.
Ah yes, diet. For most of us, our information concerning metabolism has
related in one way or another to eating. Most of us have been told of
metabolism-friendly foods, or metabolism unfriendly foods.
But really, while we may be basically aware that, all else being equal, a
stalk of celery is better for your metabolism than fries with gravy, our
understanding of diet and metabolism is pretty low.