Decode the pre-programmed sub manifester to perfection
The human mind is one of the most complex designs in the universe. With so many
advancements in the science field, there are still unexplored places of the human mind that
man hasn't yet learned to conjure the mind’s fullest potential.
Even though the mind is invincible it is broken down by some factors like emotions, stress,
love etc. At these times both the conscious and the subconscious are very vulnerable. There is
nothing to be afraid of because when the term comes in everyone feels like they are lab rats
trapped to sustain the economy. However subconscious mind reprogramming is a simple way
to get rid of all the unwanted junk out of the glorified neuro master.
Reasons for the vulnerable breakdown into subconscious mind:
There are many factors that get into the subconscious mind without one’s knowledge. One of
the reasons is the environment you are surrounded by. There are both positive and negative
waves around us and the negative is psychologically more absorbed into the mind rather than
the positive. Hence surrounding oneself with positive vibes will be helpful in subconscious
mind reprogramming.
This is a very easy and mind freeing practice to carryout because it simply isolates the
negativity from the surrounding. This can be achieved by moving out of a place that seems to
stress out and drain the energy of the mind. These places majorly are work areas where the
superiors stress about the work done by others or a public place where there is chaos and
confusion. The other places may be schools or colleges where the peer pressure of doing
something they do is forced onto us. In such places avoiding negative environment and
moving to a solitude zone is healthy to stop unwanted mind programming.
Clearing out and reprogramming the subconscious mind:
A great kudos to whoever came this far to analyse that there is something wrong going on
with the mind. And even a big appreciation for researching and taking the steps to
subconscious mind reprogramming. If you ask whether there is a way to remove the
preprograms and do subconscious mind reprogramming yes there are many ways.
Firstly surround yourself with a positive environment. If you feel that there is a
negative wave sweeping in that room leave immediately and seek solitude.