n the 2010s, ISK enjoyed the great work done by
the previous chairmen in maintaining a positive
image. Additionally, in the earlier years, the
membership grew by 1/3 and the secretariat was
very active in creating informative publications and
getting information out to the public.
ISK partnered with other private local and
international organizations such as the Netherlands’
2. ISK signs MOU with Dutch Kadastar International
3. Attendees at the ISK Real Estate Conference 2016
Kadaster, a Land Registry and Mapping Agency that
collects and registers administrative and spatial
data on property and the rights involved.
With the backing of the council, ISK also opened
the new branch in Kisumu to serve the interest
of growing number of members from the western
parts of Kenya.
4. ISK officials and a RICS official pose after an IVS Training
5. ISK officials train students at a forum