My first Publication yearbook 2 | Page 20

I SK played a key role in policy formulation. Through engagements with government, the institution was heavily involved in the creation of the Valuers Act No 7 of 1990. ISK was a key stakeholder in the review of the Acts of the constitution on land management. ISK also engaged in outreach with the government and other stakeholder entities in positioning the institution at the centre of land issues and policies. At the time, quack surveyors had greatly impacted the image of the institution and the profession. The council hence introduced punishment by de-registration, suspensions and fines in order to tame rogue surveyors. 1 1 - Former minister Katana Ngala during a past ISK press briefing 2 - Seated front row; Hon. Treasurer Mr. JT Githaiga, Chairman Mr. C.K Riungu, Vice Chairman Mr. D.K Macoco, Ass.Secretary Mr. S.B.A Muguna Standing from left: VEMS Chapter Secretary Mr. S.M.Githiomi, ISK Executive secretary M.R D.K Mugambi, VEMS Chapter Chair Mr. R.S Nzioki, LS Chapter Secretary, Mr. Kombo Mwero, M.R R.M Kimondiu and LMS Chapter Chair Mr. Z.A. Mabea 20