My first Publication Tips and Tricks to Groom an ESA Cat (1) | Page 2

Can An ESA Help Reduce Anxiety Symptoms ?
● Esa cats are so clumsy to touch sometimes , so grab them gently then brush their hairs . Don ' t brush so hard or roughly especially when they are sleeping .
● Brush them when they are sitting in your lap and when they love to do so .
Can An ESA Help Reduce Anxiety Symptoms ?
ESAs are Emotional support animals that help people going through stress , depression or mental disorders . According to multiple pieces of research , one in every five individuals undergoes depression or some psychological disorder at some stage in their life . These are the hard days where the patient finds it difficult to carry out their routine and live a normal life , hypoallergenic dogs are pets that prove helpful in such situations . They provide comfort calmness and help individuals fight these disorders .
If you ’ re looking to get an emotional support animal to help you in a similar case , you ’ ll need to get an ESA letter from a licensed mental health expert . Not everyone can get an ESA letter . Similarly , not all physicians are eligible to issue a norwegian forest cat letter . Only mental health experts , psychologists or psychiatrists , can issue it after a proper diagnosis . If they find the patient eligible to get a support animal , they write an ESA letter . This letter will help the patient not only in keeping an emotional support animal with him but one may be exempted from pet fees at many places like commercial flights , accommodations , etc .
Emotional Support Animals or ESAs are very popular in aiding the patients suffering from minor and even major mental health issues like stress , anxiety , depression , OCD , PSTD , Bipolar disorder and many others . The treatment through such animals has been found to be extremely effective especially in the case of anxiety . Such animals can provide an emotional outlet to a person suffering from anxiety . ESAs distract their owners form their worrying thoughts and take the attention towards their cute and adorable actions , which proves to be relaxing , ultimately . Even though these animals cannot speak or talk and not even comprehend what their owner is going through , they can provide a strong source to him or her to vent out their feelings . They become an excellent source and a friend to talk to .
An ESA also proves to be an ideal way to reduce stress and anxiety as it does not judge you or misunderstand you , just like humans . You can easily tell each and every issue to your ESA , and even though it will not be able to talk back or comprehend it , it will never judge you . It is , in fact , a very positive side of keeping an ESA . The ESA will also not try to give you unwanted or extra advice , which can add to your anxiety . In addition to all this , a cockapooproves to be helpful in reducing stress , anxiety and depression by providing feelings of love and affection . Even touching the animal creates a strong bond between the animal and its owner . What could be a better feeling than cuddling your Emotional Support Animal ? Just Imagine .