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Khalid’s sophomore al- bum Free Spirit is sit- ting proudly on the Bill- board 200 throne, marking the 21-year-old’s first No. 1 after moving a to- tal of 202,000 units. The R&B record knocked Billie Eilish’s WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? down one spot to No.2. Johnathan Michael Por- ter, better known by his stage name Blueface, is an American rapper from Los Angeles, California. In October 2018, after re- leasing his song “Respect My Crypn”, Blueface became a viral internet meme. RT ARTISTS Calling all single la- dies: Puerto Rican wun- derkind Lunay has dropped a brand new video for the “Soltera” remix, co-star- ring reggaeton titans Dad- dy Yankee and Bad Bunny. Set in a luxe neon night- club, the new video fol- lows Mexican duo Vice Men- ta were formed by singer/ songwriters and producers Marcelo and Eugenio, who are also twin brothers. The Monterrey-born pair -- who sing in English and Spanish -- bridge the cultural gap between the United States and Mexico. Their music in- fluences comes since they were lit- tle. page 5