Though there are many ways to meditate, I found that learning • Simultaneously recite the first round of your chosen mantra
to use a mala came just at the right time for my practice. (or commence your breath cycle if you prefer to just breathe
Whilst I was able to limit my thoughts sufficiently to meditate, through your meditation). Each mantra repetition or breath
I found that I was not able to easily ‘drop in’ without some should coincide with the passing of one bead through the
form of focused technique. Of course, working on achieving fingers.
focus and technique is no bad thing in itself, we can’t expect • Repeat this cycle along the length of your mala until you
fruit without some effort. But using a mala felt liberating to return to the ‘Guru’, at which point you should flip your mala
me, because the focus was shifted from restricting mental over in order to begin again (if you wish) in the reverse
direction. The idea being that the Guru bead represents your
formations to following a physical flow.
own Guru, from whom you should learn and not disrespect
Of course we are all different, but for me, the repetition in crossing over him.
of a physical motion frees my mind. Much like the moving This cycle can be repeated up to 108 times if you like!
meditation we attain through yoga and perhaps this is why it
works for me, because my mind was already trained to zero Techniques vary according to traditions and religions, and
these guidelines are based upon my time spent in India,
out through yoga and ujjayi breath!
according to Hindu practice. What’s most important is what
works best for you of course, what allows you to relax into
If you are new to meditating with a mala or just
fruitful meditation.
curious about what it’s all about, here are a few tips:
• Sit comfortably upright, with your mala held loosely
between both hands. The tassel should be draped forward
of your right hand.
• Focus on your intention, your chosen mantra or simple
affirmation and steady your breathing.
• Starting with the bead behind the ‘Guru’ (larger bead usually
above a tassel), roll the beads away from you, pushing them
slowly and gently with your thumb, over your middle finger.