The first time playing at Anfield as a Liverpool player…
To play at Anfield is different. Always for me - even now - to
play at Anfield is something different in terms of your emo
ions. The fans push you forward a lot and you feel the love
from them. My first Premier League game for Liverpool
was obviously not at Anfield, it was away at Watford. Peo
ple were waiting to see how I would do after coming back
to England, but the boss told me to just play football. The
first half was very difficult! But I just thought ‘carry on’, I
played the second half and I scored and won a penalty. To score
goal in your first game is something you always want to do – it’s a
good feeling.
The first time hearing the fans sing his name…
The fans have many songs for me, not just one! The
one I like the most is the ‘Egyptian King’ one, though.
After 10 or 15 games, I first heard it… I felt amazing.
Honestly, the fans singing my name filled me with
emotion and when I heard it during the game, it
filled me with adrenaline… wow. I had only been
here two or three months, yet they already had
special song for me. It’s still the same for me ee
even now when I hear it. I will always rem-
ember the day the crowd sang my name when eeeeeeeeeee
I received the Golden Boot after the Brighton game last
season. It was very, very special… but I think I felt more
support for my daughter than me when she ran onto the
pitch! In fact, it is the only time the fans have ever booed
me when I took the ball off her!