MARCH 2019 | 8
What we can do to reduce Food Waste?
Here are some ways how you can make yourself I am sure they will understand wholeheartedly. By
useful to the Environment and take part in the any chance, if there is any food remaining, there are
reduction of the wastage. many options to consider before thinking about
throwing it. Donate the food to any old age home or
Don't Waste. Never waste food. Cook in your homes some orphanage. After all, that will only increase
only as much as needed and not more than that. If the number of guests you have given your party.
you are expecting any guests, then take their food
habits into consideration and if possible, ask them At restaurants Keep in mind at restaurants to order
whether they are full and eat how much. the food according to your appetite. Do not order
all at once. Instead order one after the other item,
Eat how much you really need. Always do not put a so that you know whether your tummy is empty or
large amount of food in your plates. Instead, take not.
small servings each time you serve. This reduces
the possibility of food wastage.
Form your colony food committee. If possible which
is, gather all your colony members and explain to
Put your creation into food. When there is a them the need regarding the issue. You can form a
possibility of food remaining after dinner or lunch committee with the accepted members, and then
in your house, try to use the remains in creating a daily collect the remaining food and donate them to
new dish by mixing them and following little your local needy.
procedures. For example, with left out rotis, you
can make tortillas or tostadas and give it as a snack One More Thing After all the possibilities given
for your children. If there is rice left out, it can be above, if you find the need to throw your food, do it
made into sun-dried snacks that can be fried later in the following way. Do not wrap the food in the
in the oil. There are a lot more alternatives. plastic packaging they came in. Remove the
packaging and throw so that the dogs and cattle
If you are planning a big party. Whenever you are which try to eat them, do not eat the plastic. If they
planning a big party or wedding or dinner, plan are rotten vegetables, better dry them and make
wisely. Take into consideration the number of seeds for your garden or else dig a pit in your
guests and the amount of food needed. Advise the backyard and then bury them covering with
guests coming to your party not to waste food and soil. This reduces the emission of Methane into the
explain to them the need to reduce wastage. Environment.