MARCH 2019 | 4
Millions go hungry everyday
around the World
Approximately one-third of the food produced We still do not have self-sustainability in the
for human consumption (around 1.3 billion case of food. We import many food items from
tonnes), gets lost or wasted. foreign countries as well as export them.
Weddings, events, restaurants, hostels and The food wastage caused in our own home.
houses are a major source for food wastage of Especially when we invite guests for dinner and
cooked food. they do not consume as we expected.
There are many organizations in India who are When we buy packaged food. It mainly consists
working towards helping to reduce this food of breakfasts and fast food. People buy such
wastage by collecting the food and distributing food, they cannot eat the excess and then they
it to the needy. throw it out with the plastic around them
Awareness of food waste is currently very low. unremoved.
Increased awareness is necessary to bring Parties or gatherings or functions and
about long term behavioral change and weddings. The guests coming to the parties out
significantly reduce food wastage. of greed take in more than what they can. They
Main reasons behind Food Wastage are lack fill their plates with all the available items over
of awareness on quantities of food wasted and the dining. The ultimate result is they end up
on the environmental and economic costs of wasting the majority of the contents in their
food waste. The lack of knowledge on how to plate and without any shame go on to put the
use food efficiently (e.g. making the most of plate full of valuable food in the bin. Such
leftovers, cooking with available ingredients) wasted food is simply thrown out.
also contributes to food waste from households All these lead to the sin of wasting food.
as does a lack of shopping planning and the
misreading of date labels.