My first Publication Faces2020-Full | Page 9


Every ministry that God has called into existence is for the purpose of demonstrating His manifold wisdom and power to all His creation . Our foundation and starting point is always grounded and rooted in the love and grace of God , and our destiny is always to bring glory , honour and praise to our King , Jesus Christ . But the journey is always filled with challenges , obstacles and risks . To stay on course , we have to fix our eyes on Jesus . Like Peter walking on the water ( Matthew 14:28 — 31 ), he experienced the supernatural power and grace as long as he fixed his eyes on the Master . But the moment he shifted his gaze , he started to sink . To gaze upon Christ is to put our faith in the character and the work of Christ . To gaze upon Christ is to stay in intimacy with Him , where we find satisfaction , security and fulfilment . To gaze upon Christ is to demonstrate our total dependence on Him , to sense His heartbeat and will . Many things around us — good and bad — have the tendency to distract us . The challenge is to keep gazing , despite the distractions . Let us remember the exhortation to keep looking to Jesus , the founder and perfecter of our faith ( Hebrews 12:2 ). By God ’ s grace , we will stay on course because He is faithful , and His word will not fail .
I want to take this opportunity to thank the leadership team , ministry leaders and staff who served with me during my tenure . I cherish the fond memories of serving with you . You inspired me to stay on course , which is pleasing to our Lord and Saviour , Jesus Christ .
— James Chan


YWAMSG is founded on the word of the Lord . This word does not always embody peace and success . Oftentimes , the word takes us into impossible storms and adventures . As Stewards and Priests of God ’ s mission , our role is to follow , even if it means walking into storms and situations where YWAMSG has no means and resources to fulfil His word , but demands that we solely depend on who God is and what He has said .
In the last 20 years , there were many Red Sea moments ( featured on pages 54 – 55 ), situations where our faith could not hold the weight of taking that first step forward , and God revealed Himself to us . He leaves us breathless and in awe of who He is .
Man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that comes from the mouth of God ( Matthew 4:4 ). This Word is truth .
We are Stewards and Priests of God ’ s mission . God has the perogative to lead . We follow .
— Joseph Chean