My first Publication Faces2020-Full | Page 28

“ This is Japan ’ s time . Go , and serve them .”
Matchless in His grip , it was the voice of God that led Joseph Chean ( Joe ), the National Director of YWAMSG , to Kazuhiko Yoshida ( Kazuhiko ) at a Family Conference in 2012 . Although he was focused on China at that time , Joe connected with the National Director of YWAM Japan , then also the Base Director of YWAM Okinawa , and was soon assigned to his first DTS teaching appointment in the prefecture . He has since continued to serve persistently and intentionally on this tiny island , considered to be the spiritual key to the rest of Japan , with a higher percentage of Christians than the rest of the Nation put together . It is one thing to hear of Japan ’ s time , it is another to plant your feet in their soil and see the hand of God move before you , as He moves you to be a part of it .
For those who believe in the power of the risen One , may we take His call seriously as we will be judged in accordance to our time . And yet , we rejoice , for the Lord is at hand . And the Lord ’ s hand is upon Japan , just as He showed Naoko , wife of Kazuhiko : behold , the winter is past ; the rain is over and gone . The flowers appear on the earth , the time of singing has come ( Song of Solomon 2:11 – 12 ). It will take faith to see — faith to wait , watch , listen and partake in the promises of God . For still the vision awaits its appointed time ; it hastens to the end — it will not lie . If it seems slow , wait for it ; it will surely come ; it will not delay . ( Habakkuk 2:3 )
As Singapore awakens and rises to the call of God in the land of the rising sun , it is easy to misconstrue the flourishing church networks , the youth initiatives , and the Love Okinawa movement that attends to the welfare of the City , as the hallmarks of this deepening relationship . But as God knits the two islands together , it is the swell of belief , previously undercut by a Japanese self-berating humility , which is the true substance of things hoped for ( Hebrews 11:1 , NKJV ). Kazuhiko shares , “ The Japanese tend to see ourselves as smaller than we are . But Singaporeans are confident of changing the world . This encourages us to believe that we can change the world too .” Japan is provoked to dream dreams as Singapore toes the fine balance of serving with vision in purposeful humility , a destiny in part to which she was called , even before the foundations of the world .
With a faith that now sees the orchard with only a seed in his hand , Kazuhiko believes and sees the great harvest in his Nation through a promise that God gave him from John 4:35 . In preparation for this harvest , he has purchased a bigger property for YWAM Okinawa , encouraged by YWAMSG ’ s own journey of purchasing ours . The churches in Japan are uniting and awakening to the Spirit of God , but they cry out for workers who are few . Their doors have opened to the nations .
To all the nations we know and have yet to know , we celebrate your gifts , wrapped up in your soil , and we look forward to the day when we will all sing a new song of praise to the Lamb : “... Your blood was the price paid to redeem us . You purchased us to bring us to God out of every tribe , language , people group , and nation . You have chosen us to serve our God and formed us into a kingdom of priests who reign on the earth .” ( Revelation 5:9 – 10 , TPT )
As a result of this partnership and deepened trust , YWAM Okinawa sent Mariya , the daughter of
Kazuhiko & Naoko , to intern with
YWAMSG for 1 year for the purpose of cross-cultural leadership and ministry development .