My first Publication Faces2020-Full | Page 60


Sarah Chan with the DTS outreach in 2002 to Udhagamandalam ( Ooty ), South India . Photo taken on a 9-hour bus ride to the hill station .
the same space , but practising the values that hold you together . The key is in knowing that you need the other person . God wants to develop communities that are a witness to His Kingdom . If you love God , you would want to be a part of this . YWAMSG is called to be a prophetic voice , as a demonstration of community .”
James abided by this . He knew that the prophetic voice came at a cost , and he led by example and moved his family to YWAMSG ’ s premises at Lorong 9 , Geylang . He stayed on the top floor and would take an hour to get back to his room as residents would request for his time on the way up . But he made it a point to check in on them . “ People asked , ‘ Why would you want to raise your children in Geylang ?’ But God called us to be there . And His grace saw us through it . We didn ’ t even rent out our home and trusted Him to provide . But that was the price we paid .”
As team leadership was introduced , stability found its way into the base . Beyond the highly individualised I hear God , decisions are made collectively as the leaders intentionally wait and seek the Lord ’ s heart on all matters together . Their leadership prayer retreats , which span 3 to 4 days are still held every quarter , and give rise to some of God ’ s brightest visions , such as the Jubilee Carnival in 2015 . Decisions are now incumbent primarily on leadership agreement , but James makes it clear that his purpose was not to impose his vision onto the people . “ My role is to help others draw closer to God and see Him , and discern His intention for their lives as they live out their destiny . We need to ensure that our people are growing , are being developed , and have accountability . We need to focus on them , not ministry .”
Jesus modelled discipleship even before He taught it . When He discipled His 12 , they lived life with Him , and knew Him as their friend . They sat at His feet , listened to Him speak , ate with Him , and witnessed His miracles . He taught them to see as He saw , and to work with hands like His own . The Word became flesh to live an authentic life before us . In the same way , we strive to live the same life ( Christ in us ) in the world . By the power of His grace , in the fellowship of the Triune God , we display His manifold wisdom and glory in the world . You make known to me the path of life ; in your presence there is fullness of joy ; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore . ( Psalm 16:11 )
DTS outreach team travelling to remote villages with Joshua Project for the profiling of Unreached People Groups .
Photos courtesy of YWAMSG archives