My first Publication Faces2020-Full | Page 44


By Rob Francis
Rob Francis has served with YWAM since 1989 and was on staff with YWAMSG from 1996 to 2006 . He and his wife , Linda , have 5 children . They serve emerging Asian leaders who engage unreached peoples .
Imagine my surprise , when in 2019 , I met a follower of Jesus from a particular East Asian Unreached People Group ( UPG ) that YWAMSG had adopted in 1996 . Back then , there were no known believers in this traditional-religion people group of 3 million . But as YWAMSG had never sent a team to them , and our contribution had been limited to prayer , we never knew how God was working in that community . It was thus a delightful surprise to meet this Jesus follower and hear of the many others from his people group who were now trusting in Jesus Christ alone . No doubt there had been others who were praying alongside us and whom God had raised to take the Gospel to this people group . After all , it is always on God ’ s heart to call the nations back to Himself .