My first Publication Effective Sex Alternatives by Colaba Escorts | Page 2

As a Colaba escorts service provider I am sharing my best sex alternatives which are helpful in your daily lifestyle. 1# Necking Romance These alternatives that I'm gonna share with you is your favorite which one would you prefer over sex and I promise you at the end of the article I going to tell you which is my face necking must be the most beautiful stencil thing on that planet babe making me secure basically carries the neck of your partner in all kinds of different ways you can build it lick it kiss it plays with it you know whatever comes to your mind you see the neck is a super highly erogenous zone lots of women actually rank the pleasure on the nape of the neck even above pleasure on their breasts and their nipples the neck got like a million light touch receptors especially on the back of the neck just below. 2# Sweaty Couple Workout you're working out with your babe is possibly the best alternative to sex every like ever like every it's not just that it increases the quality time together by trying out some new stuff together really wants you with your baby boo that's why they also say couples who trained together stay together and also on top of that exercise releases endorphins you know those feel-good hormones and endorphins make people happy and happy