My first Publication Different Types Of Academic Essays | Page 2

Descriptive essay As the name suggests, descriptive essays describe the topic in-depth. It could be anything from an object, event, place to a person, or memory. It uses figurative language, so the reader can visualize the information using their five senses. Descriptive essay topics · Describe a place of your imagination. · Describe modern technology to someone from the ancient time. · Describe a family heirloom. · Describe the time you judged someone and they turned out to be the complete opposite. · Describe the time something unexpected happen to you. Argumentative essay Argumentative essays require students to explore and investigate both sides of an issue in detail. And then, pick their side of the argument and argue why it is correct with the help of strong evidence. Here, writer’s don’t simply highlight why their side of the argument is correct, but they provide evidence to refute the counter-argument. Argumentative essay topics · Is technology drifting people further apart? · Does the increase in college dropouts each year show that a college degree is useless? · Should students have their own choice when it comes to their high school curriculum? · Government should ban the production and sale of tobacco. · Is having a pet helpful for our mental wellbeing? Expository essay Expository essays sound complicated but in fact, are pretty simple. The word comes from expose, which means to investigate a topic in-depth. You need to explain a topic in such a way that it becomes easier for the reader to comprehend.