My first Publication Climate Projections & Risks Report Gibraltar | Page 2

This document features an accessible , non-technical summary of the key threats that climate change presents to Gibraltar . It summarises the preliminary key findings of a more comprehensive report , to be published at a later date . It contains three sections :
1 . Climate Projections : a summary of what the latest scientific literature tells us about the extent to which temperatures , precipitation patterns , and the frequency of extreme weather events are forecasted to change in Gibraltar . It highlights the extent to which these changes are already emerging now and how far they will continue shifting through the year 2100 .
2 . Key Risks & Vulnerabilities : a list of the key risks that climate change is very likely to present to Gibraltar ' s people , economy , businesses and infrastructure . These are risks that are already emerging today and will progressively worsen throughout the lifetime of all readers - unless urgent global action is taken .
3 . Long-term Threat Radar : a list of highly significant but uncertain threats that Gibraltar could face as a consequence of climate change in the longer term - which , if materialised , would be extremely damaging unless adequately prepared for .
Climate change is often referred to as an “ environmental problem ” - which , whilst accurate , hides the fact that it is fundamentally a human problem . Humanity is both the single biggest cause - and the single biggest victim - of the warming of our planet . For that reason , regardless of whether or not one cares about “ the environment ”, climate change is an issue that should motivate us all . To those who care about public health : consider that more extreme weather events result in greater loss of life and injury . To those who care about the economy : note that rising seas and more powerful storms will cause tremendous and costly damage to both private property and public infrastructure . To those who care about standards of living : understand that prolonged droughts destroy crops and disrupt global supply chains , increasing food prices and raising the cost of living . To those who care about jobs and local business : be aware that many will be lost in climate-sensitive industries like supply chain dependent businesses ( retail / supermarkets ) and tourist-facing companies ( restaurants , taxi operators , “ tax free ” shops ). To those who care about equality and justice : know that the demographics most vulnerable to climate risks are disproportionately those who already have the least : low-income families , children , the elderly and the disabled . What this summary report aims to demonstrate , therefore , is that no individual , family or business is immune to the detrimental effects of climate change - and that we must all mobilise to both tackle and prepare for it as a result .
Author : Ryan Robba