My first Publication B 7/8 Service Learning Reoprt | Page 2

Caroline DeLannoy and Amanda Sanders set out to show the effect of mentors in a woman’s life, and through the experience of others, they did. On May 23, 2019 they hosted an activity at a local meetinghouse of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints inviting

women of all ages from the community. They had tables set up with discussion cards containing questions such as ‘what is your biggest achievement?’ and ‘what was a dream you had that you never achieved?’ as well as more humorous things such as ‘what is your most embarrassing moment?’ Caroline said, “It went really well. I had a really positive response to the questions, especially the ones that [the class] helped out with.” Caroline and Amanda had the class cut out and glue together the discussion cards in class on Friday May 10th. It was a great way for the class to help out. There were a lot of cards, so having 20 or so kids cut them out instead of just 2 people was a big help. It was also a good way for the class to see what would be discussed and it gave the class an opportunity to reflect on the questions themselves.

Speaking on why they chose to do this particular project, Amanda said, “There are so many wonderful people in our neighborhood but we never really have a chance to get to know them - all that they’ve experienced, all the professional and educational stuff they went through.” Stories are one of the most powerful teaching methods, and this sharing night was a great way for great young women and more life experienced women to share with, teach and learn from each other.

Caroline said that her and Amanda got a surprising but heartfelt text after the event. They invited a woman from their neighborhood who had only been reached out to and checked up on twice in the past year. They did not know this when they invited her, but are glad they did. “She said that just getting this invitation and hearing from people in the neighborhood was such an amazing thing.” Caroline said. “She just said that she admired us so much and that it meant the world to her that we had included her and tried to reach out.”

This was a night of learning and inspiring for all those who were present; young, old and everywhere in between.

Magazine in/ ISSUE 01


Power of



By Josh Hartvigsen