Africa is the cradle of humanity, the Morocco, Marrakech the second
home of some of the world’s great largest city in Morocco located at the
tribal cultures, art and lovely foot of the ice-covered Atlas
traditions, Africa is blessed with Mountains, the imperial city of
hundreds of miles of wonderful Marrakech.
coastline and mighty inland lakes, • Cape Town is one of the most
experiencing the coast cruise around beautiful cities in South Africa
the coastal and sunny environment is • Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya,
amazing, your next vacation in Africa known as Africa greatest wildlife
will leave you with indelible reserve
memories.Coming to Africa for • The Victoria Falls at the southern
Tourism, is like coming to feel, touch part of Africa, between Zambia and
and speak with nature, also see and Zimbabwe
associate with happy, innovative and • The Pyramids and the Sphinx the
talented people of the continent of last surviving of the seven wonders of
Africa, but be ready to unlearn most the world is the great pyramid of Giza
of the unrealistic information about in Egypt.
Africa, come see the hidden truth And all several unique types of tourist
and the wonderful experience. areas around Africa.
The Cultures and traditions of the
geo-political zones are unique, and
some locations that capture the
beautiful diversity of Africa include:
• Nigeria and Ghana are rich in art
and culture, with great historical
• Tanzania with a beautiful Island in
the Indian Ocean just off the coast.
Samuel Omobhude, Canada