Our commitment in ASBG is
to create the awareness,
drum-up support,
investments and to draw the
world’s attention to the
enormous economic
benefits of the Africa’s
abundant renewable energy
mix which are majorly:
Solar Energy. Solar energy is
the most important source
of energy available to the
earth and its inhabitants,
and a large chunk of this
energy which is a good
source of electric power
generation, is spread over
the African continent.
Each year around 1,500
million TWh of solar energy
reaches the earth, around
47% of the energy, 700
million 7Wh actually reaches
the surface. This is 14,000
times the amount of energy
50,000TWh used by
mankind each year. Even
with losses and
inefficiencies, 1% of the
world’s land area would
provide sufficient energy to
meet global electricity
demand. That is, there is
enough sunlight in Africa to
power the world 8 times
over! In spite of this
enormous potential, solar
electricity and thermal
energy generating capacity
is still pitiably tiny.
There exist in Africa a great
need for solar photovoltaic
technology development and
manufacturing for job
creation, economic growth
and public welfare.Wind
Energy: Annually, over Africa’s
land mass, around 10,600
TWh of energy is generated in
the form of wind, placing
Africa second behind North
America’s 14,000 TWh/year.
These figure shows that
Africa’s wind resource is
enormous yet largely
untapped. Onshore and
offshore wind turbine sites
are both feasible in most part
of Africa and these
installations will bring power
as a utility closer to the
people thereby eliminating
expensive and problematic
transmission lines.
iii. Biofuels Production:
Biofuels are carbon-neutral
sustainable fuel mix.
Counties like Brazil and the
USA has developed large
business from the production
and blending of Ethanol with
petrol to power vehicles
designated E-10.
Africa, with its large arable
land can grow energy
crops such as Corn,
Sugarcane, Sugerbeet,
Jathropa and coastal
weeds and algae that are
viable candidates for
bio-ethanol, bio-diesel and
cellulosic ethanol
production at commercial
Magnus O. Oshiogwe
BioEnergy Development