My first Publication Agile-Data-Warehouse-Design-eBook | Page 34

How to Model a Data Warehouse 13 future information needs beyond the ‘next reports’, because these needs are de- pendent upon the answers the ‘next reports’ will provide, and the unexpected new business initiatives those answers will trigger. The ensuing steps of collating re- quirements, feeding them back to business stakeholders, gaining consensus on data terms, and obtaining sign off can also be an extremely lengthy process. Over-reliance on reporting requirements has lead to many initially successful data warehouse designs that fail to handle change in the longer-term. This typically occurs when inexperienced dimensional modelers produce designs that match the current report requests too closely, rather than treating these reports as clues to discovering the underlying business processes that should be modeled in greater detail to provide true BI flexibility. The problem is often exasperated by initial requirement analysis taking so long that there isn’t the budget or willpower to swiftly iterate and discover the real BI requirements as they evolve. The resulting inflexible designs have led some industry pundits to unfairly brand dimensional modeling as too report-centric, suitable at the data mart level for satisfying the current reporting needs of individual departments, but unsuitable for enterprise data warehouse design. This is sadly misleading because dimensional modeling has no such limitation when used correctly to iteratively and incrementally model atomic-level detailed business processes rather than reverse engineer summary report requests. Focusing too closely on current reports alone leads to inflexible dimensional models Proactive DW/BI Analysis and Design Historically, data warehousing has lagged behind OLTP development (in technol- ogy as well as chronology). Data warehouses were built often long after well estab- lished operational systems were found to be inadequate for reporting purposes, and significant BI backlogs had built up. This reactive approach is illustrated on the example timeline in Figure 1-5. Early DWs were reactive to OLTP reporting problems Figure 1-5 Reactive DW timeline Today, DW/BI has caught up and become proactive. The two different worlds of OLTP and DW/BI have become parallel worlds where many new data warehouses need to go live/be developed concurrently with their new operational source systems, as shown on the Figure 1-6 timeline. The lag between OLTP and DW roll- out is disappearing