My first Publication Agile-Data-Warehouse-Design-eBook | Page 24

1 ✲ ! H OW TO M ODEL A D ATA W AREHOUSE Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. — George E. P. Box In this first chapter we set out the motivation for adopting an agile approach to data warehouse design. We start by summarizing the fundamental differences between data warehouses and online transaction processing (OLTP) databases to show why they need to be designed using very different data modeling techniques. We then contrast entity-relationship and dimensional modeling and explain why dimensional models are optimal for data warehousing/business intelligence (DW/BI). While doing so we also describe how dimensional modeling enables incremental design and delivery: key principles of agile software development. Dimensional Readers who are familiar with the benefits of traditional dimensional modeling may wish to skip to Data Warehouse Analysis and Design on Page 11 where we begin the case for agile dimensional modeling. There, we take a step back in the DW/BI development lifecycle and examine the traditional approaches to data requirements analysis, and highlight their shortcomings in dealing with ever more complex data sources and aggressive BI delivery schedules. We then describe how agile data modeling can significantly improve matters by actively involving business stakeholders in the analysis and design process. We finish by introducing BEAM ✲ (Business Event Analysis and Modeling): the set of agile techniques for collabora- tive dimensional modeling described throughout this book. Collaborative Differences between operational systems and data warehouses Entity-relationship (ER) modeling vs. dimensional modeling modeling supports data warehouse design dimensional modeling supports agile data warehouse analysis and design Chapter 1 Topics At a Glance Data-driven analysis and reporting requirements analysis limitations Proactive data warehouse design challenges Introduction to BEAM✲: an agile dimensional modeling method 3