My first Publication Agile-Data-Warehouse-Design-eBook | Page 19

XX Introduction How This Book Is Organized This book has two parts. The first part covers agile dimensional modeling for BI data requirements gathering, while the second part covers dimensional design patterns for efficient and flexible star schema design. Part I: Modelstorming Collaborative modeling with BI stakeholders Part I describes how to modelstorm BI stakeholders’ data requirements, validate these requirements using agile data profiling, review and prioritize them with stakeholders, estimate their ETL tasks as a team, and convert them into star sche- mas. It illustrates how agile data modeling can be used to replace traditional BI requirements gathering with accelerated database design, followed by BI prototyp- ing to capture the real reporting and analysis requirements. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to dimensional modeling. Chapters 2 to 4 provide a step-by-step guide for using BEAM ✲ to model business events and dimensions. Chapter 5 describes how BEAM ✲ models are validated and translated into physical dimen- sional models and development sprint plans. Chapter 1: How to Model a Data Warehouse Why we need new agile approaches for gathering BI requirements. Why they should be dimensional. What they should look like Data warehouses and operational systems: Understanding the motivation for using dimensional modeling as the basis for agile database design. Dimensional modeling fundamentals: Contrasting dimensional modeling with entity-relationship (ER) modeling, and learning the basic concepts and vocabulary of facts, dimensions, and star schemas that will be used throughout the book. Agile data modeling for analysis and design: The BI requirement gathering problem. The challenges and opportunities of proactive DW/BI. The benefits of agile data warehousing. Why model with BI stakeholders? The case for model- storming: using agile dimensional modeling to gather BI data requirements. Introduction to BEAM ✲ : Comparison of BEAM ✲ and ER diagrams. Chapter 2: Modeling Business Events Step-by-step modeling of a business event using BEAM✲ Discovering business events: Using subjects, verbs, and objects to discover busi- ness events and tell data stories. Documenting business events: Using whiteboards and spreadsheets and BEAM ✲ tables to collaboratively model events. Discovering event details: Using the 7Ws: who, what, when, where, how many, why, and how to discover atomic-level event details. Using prepositions to connect details to events, and data story themes to define and document them. Using BEAM ✲ short codes to document event story types (discrete, recurring, and evolv- ing) and potential fact table granularity.