My first Publication Agile-Data-Warehouse-Design-eBook | Page 176

Modeling Star Schemas 155 Use a Consistent Star Schema Layout Drawing star schemas with a consistently dimensional layout may seem trivial but as the number of stars grow with every release, the DW/BI team will find it tre- mendously helpful when they scan multiple stars every day. Figure 5-13 shows the recommended layout for star schemas designed using the 7Ws framework. The four corners are reserved for the four major W-types: who, what, when and where with top left reserved for the most common W: when. Think of this as the dimen- sional modeling equivalent of drawing maps “north up”. Consistent star schema layout helps developers to speed read multiple stars Figure 5-13 Consistent dimensional layout based on W-type Discover the BI Model Canvas at to help you model collaboratively using this layout Display BEAM✲ Short Codes on Star Schemas Enhancing a star schema with BEAM ✲ codes allows you to document dimensional properties and design decisions not supported by standard ER modeling tools. Figure 5-14 shows an enhanced star schema for the CUSTOMERS ORDERS event (as described in Chapter 2). BEAM ✲ codes are used to describe ORDERS FACT as a transaction fact (TF) table and the CALENDAR, and EMPLOYEE as role-playing (RP) dimensions. Table level codes (FV, CV, HV) describe the default slowly changing policy for each dimension. Column level codes identify surrogate keys (SK) degenerate dimensions (DD), and fully additive facts (FA). If your modeling tool allows you to include table and column comments or ex- tended attributes on ER diagrams you can use these to display BEAM✲ codes. Alternatively, if this feature isn’t available you may be able to display the codes by appending them to the business or logical table and column name in your model and setting the tool’s model view to conceptual or logical. The BEAM✲Model- stormer spreadsheet contains configurable options for export names and codes as comments or extended database attributes that can be imported by many modeling tools. Star schema BEAM✲ codes document dimensional properties not supported by standard ER notation