Climate change will affect human health in many ways – mostly adversely. The report focused on thermal stress, extreme weather events, and attention to estimates to future regional food yields and hunger prevalence.
Effects of climate change on regional agriculture production, food price and food insecurity. Example in Nepalese-yield of major food current climate and future climate change might affect human health, including heat-related morbidity and mortality, respiratory and cardiovascular impacts of air pollution (especially during wildfires), cholera, and mass human migration. Timeline of key events in population, development, and climate change, and interconnections with health
Additionally, the climate change debate needs to be re-framed to emphasise connections between health and demographic changes, and to accentuate the role of local innovation in the reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions and population vulnerability, while improving health and wellbeing epidemiological investigation of the impact of climate change on human
Many infectious diseases, including water-borne ones, are highly sensitive to climate conditions. Climate change lengthens the transmission season and expands the geographical range of many diseases like malaria and dengue.