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for approval . Write a 2- to 3-page memo explaining the financial implications of your project that does the following : Adds costs estimates to your resources ( both labor and material ) – Refer to websites like the United States Department of Labor for estimates . Adds estimates for all task duration and sequencing of tasks ( including precedence relations ) Summarizes any relevant facts about the project duration , number or type of resources , critical task sequencing , and how duration estimates were arrived at Highlights if there are any milestones for your project Include a Microsoft ® Project Gantt chart , as an attachment , showing the WBS of tasks ( with dependencies ) and task sequences , along with any budget or cost reports to support your memo . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMGT 410 Week 3 Team Assignment Project Schedule
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This is the core of any project plan used to communicate what tasks are needed and the order of sequence to be done to meet deadlines and deliverables . At a minimum the section will contain the following :
• Business requirements document ( BRD ) that provides additional details regarding the expectations ( such as user , system , and functional ) that must be met for achieving goals of the project
• Work breakdown structure ( WBS ) showing discrete work tasks and grouped hierarchically that helps to organize and define the total work scope of the project Write 3 to 4 pages on your findings and submit for grading .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMGT 410 Week 4 DQ 1 and DQ 2