/ Solbakken Garfield P /
DK 4271900212
*6. 9. 2011 / ZSI 951
Porody / Calving: Na krávy / For cows
Chovatel / Breeder: DJ Aps, Vamdrup, Dánsko
Solbakken Garfielda P ZSI 951 (United P ZSI
400 x Thor P ZSI 389) koupil Natural spo-
lečně s Godskem. Pochází z farmy DJ Aps
pana Rasmuse Jensena. Ten chová 15 až 20
krav plemene a pouze inseminuje. Garfield
prošel národní odchovnou v Aalestrupu,
test zahájil v 225 dnech s hmotností 416 kg
a ukončil v 365 dnech se 759 kg. Denní pří-
růstek v této periodě 2450 gramů znamenal
národní rekord!
Garfield´s breeder Rasmus Jensen (DJ Aps)
breeds 15 - 20 cows and he uses only insami-
nation in his herd. Garfield started the perfor-
mance test with a weight 416 kg in 225 days
of age and finished it with 759 kg in 365 days
of age. His daily gain in the test pe riod was
2450 g. It is Danish National record! His father
Hedetoft United P was Danish number 1 bull
in past ten years. He is also top in Germany and
in the Czech Republic. The bull is well known in
many other countries too.