My first Magazine | Page 10

I am a retired wedding/portrait/teacher/photographer and have amassed a lot of files in film from my photography days. I am wondering what pro photographers have done with their film files. Aside from offering my former clients, their film negative free issue, whenever I can find them, what are you doing with hundreds of client negatives. Do you scan them to a disc? And then..... what do you do?

Do you have any contractual obligations to your clients -- say to keep negatives on file or to make them available? If not I'd say it's your decision as to whether to deal with the time and hassles of trying to offer them. I'd charge for the service, at least enough to cover shipping and maybe some of my time.

Anything of historical note might find a home in a museum, if you have anything of that sort. And you may want to save a few things with personal value to you.

Beyond that I suggest you shred them. This avoids any privacy issues that might arise, say if someone fished negatives out of the garbage and published them.

Should you scan them or what are your obligations