My first Magazine | Page 8

Out loud

Welcome to the launching issue of New Dimensions !
addition to increasing the existing initiatives to
As you open the first page of this magazine , you are
disseminate Chinese culture .
turning a new page of UIC ' s periodicals . The college ' s
Also we plan to offer a Chinese style equestrianism
history can be traced back to our former newspaper
course . This is the final bit that will make the picture of
First Step in Four as well as our staff newsletter UIC
the traditional Six Arts education whole .
Beacon . Now they have evolved into this
At a larger level , we are also exploring the
comprehensive magazine that continues to present you
possibilities to host a global liberal arts education
with UIC ' s latest achievements in the areas of teaching ,
forum next year . We have organised eight Sinolearning
, research , and the connection to society .
American Liberal Arts Forums in the past . I expect this
Indeed , the college is opening up a new dimension of
ultimate international forum will serve more professors
China ' s tertiary education .
and professionals in terms of academic collaboration .
On diversifying the country ' s tertiary education , we
All of these efforts echo our determinations to
will keep on doing our level best to fulfil our vision of a
develop a new liberal arts education by tapping into
liberal arts education based on a modicum of success
both classical Chinese and Western cultural traditions .
that we have achieved . This December , UIC is going to
UIC has many stories to tell . If you keep an ear for it ,
host a conference of the esteemed Association for Yan
you will hear it out loud .
Huang Culture of China , which is to convene
distinguished Sinology scholars to Zhuhai for the first
time . On that occasion , probably we will be also
celebrating the establishment of an institute that aims
at promoting Chinese culture nationally and globally .
By this institute we want to let a creative series of stories about China be heard around the world , in
Professor Ng Ching-Fai President