My first Magazine | Page 50

校刊回顾 History Periodicals 《四维首印》创刊于2006年6月,是新闻公关处 编印的首份UIC中英双语校刊。它以学校最新的发展动 态,学术、教学成果以及校园文化为主要内容,旨在 向社会各界传递我校创新的教育理念和成果。截至 2016年8月,该刊共出版60期。十年来,《四维首印》 记录了UIC点点滴滴的发展。 48 The monthly college newspaper, First Step in Four, was launched in June 2006. It featured the latest news of UIC's campus life, academic highlights as well as teaching and learning outcomes to publicise the college's unique educational philosophy. In total, 60 issues of First Step in Four were published with the last issue coming out in August 2016. Over the past 10 years, the newspaper had recorded the development of UIC. 49