My first Magazine | Page 48

学术动态 Academia 学者著述 Academic Publications 1 Name: Ramachandran Vinayagam (Post Doctoral Fellow of the Food Science and Technology Programme), Muthukumaran Jayachandran (Post Doctoral Fellow of FST) & Xu Baojun (Professor of FST) Publication: Antidiabetic effects of simple phenolic acids: A comprehensive review. Phytotheraphy Research, 30 (2), 184-199. February 2016. Current anti-diabetic therapies are based on synthetic drugs that very often have side effects. It has been widely acknowledged that diet plays an important role in the management of diabetes. The review attempted to list out the antidiabetic effects of simple phenolic acids from medicinal plants and botanical foods. 423-431. October 2016. Total phenolic and flavonoid content determination showed that all mushrooms are rich in phenolic and flavonoids. Gallic acids were detected with high quantity in most of the mushrooms. 3 Name: Wang Ruihua, MoYung K C, Zhao Y J & Karen Poon (Associate Professor of the Food Science and Technology Programme) Publication: A mechanism for the temporal potentiation of Genipin to the cytotoxicity of Cisplatin in colon cancer cells. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(7), 507-516. June 2016. This paper investigated the potentiation effect of Genipin to Cisplatin induced cell senescence in HCT-116 colon cancer cells in vitro. 2 Name: Tahidul Islam (Teaching Assistant of the Food Science and Technology Programme), Yu Xiaoming (Teaching Assistant of FST) & Xu Baojun (Professor of FST) Publication: Phenolic profiles, antioxidant capacities and metal chelating ability of edible mushroom commonly consumed in China. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 72, 1 2 46 4 Name: Karen Poon (Associate Professor of the Food Science and Technology Programme), Liang Lexin, Xu Chang & Wang Ruihua Publication: The use of microbial fuel cells to monitor the current production in Qi-deficient liver cells. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 36 (2), 231-237. April 2016. 3 4 The authors monitored current production in Qi-deficient liver cells and studied how cellular proton leakage might affect electric current production. They detected high proton leakage in Qi-deficient liver cells that might cause high energy losses, which could explain the observed lower cellular glucose content and ATP production rate than in normal cells. 5 Name: Sun Me Choi, Siew Fan Wong, Young Hoon Chang (Assistant Professor of the Division of Business and Management) & Myeong-Cheol Park Publication: Analysis of the dynamic broadband technology competition, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 116 (6), 1223 – 1241. 2016. 9 The research showed that customer satisfaction and switching barriers (alternative attractiveness and switching cost) have significant impacts on customer loyalty. The device features and corporate factors significantly influence customer satisfaction. Name: Charles Chong-Han Wu (Assistant Professor of the Government and International Relations Programme) Publication: Taiwan's hedging against China - the strategic implications of Ma Ying-Jeou's mainland policy. Asian Survey, 56 (3), 466-487. 2016. 7 This paper investigated the effect of inter-platform competition on the adoption of different broadband technologies, examined the direction of the effect, and identified potential technology convergence and the speed of technology innovation. Name: Edoardo Monaco (Assistant Professor, Programme Director of Government and International Relations) Publication: Competing deman ds and sustainable solutions in Bhutan: Notes on gross national happiness and its measurements. Journal of Management and Development Studies, 27, 1-15. August 2016. 6 8 Name: Moon-Koo Kim, Siew Fan Wong, Young Hoon Chang (Assistant 作者:黄匡忠( 社会工作与社会 行政专业教授、学生事务总监), 5 6 陈雪军(学生事务处心理辅导员), 萧美玲(学生事务处高级心理辅导 员) 论文:利用辅导提升自我效能对 学业成绩的影响 [J]. 教育教学论 坛,2016,17:172-174. Professor of the Division of Business and Management) & Jong-Hyun Park Publication: Determinants of customer loyalty in the Korean smartphone market: Moderating effects of usage characteristics. Telematics and Informatics, 33 (4), 936-949. November 2016. Relations Programme) & John Hsieh Publication: Alliance Commitment and the Maintenance of the Status Quo. Asian Perspective, 40 (2), 197-222. 2016. This study showed that alliance commitment is the key to the maintenance of the status quo between a weak challenger and a major power attacker. In order to verify the theory, the authors employed data from Benson's typology of compellent military alliances and conducted empirical tests for the theoretical hypothesis. The statistical results complied with the theory, indicating that a trustful and strong military commitment creates negative effects on the status quo. This article addressed the identifiable conditions for hedging strategies. By examining specific cases of policy choices and political situations in a triangular framework, the author suggested that Taiwan's hedging behaviour against China is sensitive to local variation in power capabilities, economic intention, and the security commitment from the United States. 11 作者:冯瑞龙(中国语言文化中心 副教授、中国文化研究所副所长), 冯振辉(香港浸会大学讲师), 郑玲 (中国语言文化中心讲师) 论文:词画双绝——《固庵词》 的词心画意赏析[A]. 郑炜明. 饶学 与华学——第二届饶宗颐与华学 暨香港大学饶宗颐学术馆成立十 周年庆典国际学术研讨会论文集 [C]. 上 海 : 上 海 辞 书 出 版 社 , 10 7 8 Name: Charles Chong-Han Wu (Assistant Professor of the Government and International 9 2016. 226-237. 10 11 47