My first Magazine | Page 42

学术动态 Academia 讲座交流 Lectures and Talks 学术讲座 Academic Lectures 2016年9月28日 理工科技学部讲座:利用金融数学应对市场挑战 主讲人:林建源教授(新加坡管理大学计量金融教授) 自2008年金融危机以来,金融市场面临着新的系统性挑战。这些挑 战包括全球消费者需求减缓和外债权益乘数的过度曝光,引起股票、债 券和外汇的波动。在本次讲座中,林建源教授阐述了数学和统计方法在 分析中的运用, 并强调了附带技巧在编程中的使用要求。 从2016年10月11日起,苑舍“第二 课堂”系列新生舍堂导修课开讲,在第 一课里师生一起探讨如何提高课堂学习 效率。 10 09 Hall Tutorials for First Year Students start from 11 October. The first lesson discusses how to maximise students' learning efficiency in class. 10月13日,第二届布鲁塞尔中国电影节暨首届中国-欧盟国际青 少年电影节在比利时首都布鲁塞尔举行开幕式,电影电视学专业 2016届毕业生张曦予凭借其毕业作品《格姆山下》获得首届中欧国际 青少年电影节“新影人奖”,并在开幕式上作为展映短片代表发言。 09 10月,文化与创意学部音乐副修学 生举办午间音乐会。 Students of the Music Minor Programme at the Division of Culture and Creativity perform at their Lunchtime Concert in October. 11 28 September 2016 DST Lecture Series: Meeting Market Challenges with Financial Mathematics Speaker: Prof Lim Kian Guan (Professor of Quantitative Finance & OUB Professorial Chair, Singapore Management University) After 2008 global financial crisis, the financial markets are faced with new systematic challenges, including slowing global consumer demands and equity multiplier over-exposure to external debts. These create huge volatility in equity, bond and forex instruments. In this lecture, Professor Lim Kian Guan illustrated the use of some mathematical and statistical techniques in analysis and also emphasised the accompanying skill requirements of programming. Abeni Zhang, a Cinema and Television graduate of 2016, captures the China-EU Best New Filmmaker Award at the China-EU Youth Film Festival on 13 October. Her winning production was her graduate project The Green Years. She represents other participants to speak at the opening ceremony of the festival in Brussels, Belgium. 2016年9月22日 人文与社会科学学部讲座:翻译学位论文写作 主讲人:朱志瑜教授(香港理工大学翻译研究中心) 22 September 2016 DHSS Lecture Series: Writing Translation Thesis Speaker: Prof Chu Chi Yu (Professor & Honorary Director, Centre for Translation Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 10 2016年9月28日 珠海青年影像论坛:影视策划与制片管理 主讲人:韩锋(中央新影集团重大项目部副总编辑) 10月16日,学生在创意美食烹饪大 赛制作美食。 28 September 2016 Zhuhai Youth Film Forum: Film Planning and Production Management Speaker: Mr Han Feng (Central New Film Group) 12 Participants apply all their creative ideas at the cooking competition on 16 October. 2016年10月14日 通识教育办公室讲座:宗教场所复兴:记忆和跨国联系 主讲人:陈蒨教授(香港树仁大学研究办事处处长) 11 12 14 October 2016 GEO Lecture Series: Making Religious Places: Memories and Transnational Ties Speaker: Prof Selina Ching Chan (Director of the Research Office, Professor of Sociology, and Associate Director of the Contemporary China Research Centre, Hong Kong Shue Yan University) 2016年10月19日 国情国学教育讲座:天下为公——纪念孙中山先生诞辰150周年 主讲人:吴清辉教授(UIC校长) 19 October 2016 UIC Lecture Series of Education on Chinese Culture and Society: The World is for All – To Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Sun Yat-sen Speaker: Prof Ng Ching-Fai (UIC President) 40 41