My first Magazine | Page 4

Out loud 漫步博雅路 当你翻开这份杂志,你也在打开UIC校刊新的 今年12月,中华炎黄文化研究会将首次来珠 一页。曾经的校报《四维首印》和教职员通讯 海,在我们学校举办研讨会,届时将有对中华文化 《UIC Beacon》记录了我们学校的历史,如今伴随 有深刻研究的重量级学者与我们交流。很有可能在 着学校的发展,它们摇身一变,升级成现在这本综 那时候,我们也会建立中华文化传播研究院。研究 合性的校园杂志《博雅行》。 院的关键词是创意和传播,我们将向世人讲述一系 相较以往,我们的杂志将以全新的面貌、更有 列有创意的中国故事,传播优秀的中国文化。 趣的故事和更生动的图片,向读者展示学校的博雅 我们也在筹划开设全人教育马术课程,作为我 教育,着力体现我们的师生在教学、研究、服务社 们中国传统六艺课程“礼乐射御书数”最后的拼 会等方面的努力和成果。我们的办学初衷是创建内 图——“御”。在国际层面,在我们成功举办过八 地首家博雅大学、开创中国高等教育新特区,而这 届中美博雅教育论坛的基础上,我们计划明年首创 本杂志将继续带来学校的最新消息,让大家了解我 全球博雅教育论坛。我期待全世界的学者来此交 们是如何朝着这样的愿景去努力的。 流,共同推动博雅教育的发展。 在本期杂志里,你将读到我们市级重点农产品 所有这些都展示了我们是如何吸纳中西方优秀 质量和食品安全实验室服务社会的决心,教学优异 文化资源,实行独具特色的新型博雅教育的。 的老师的分享,还有一些学生和校友追求“博文雅 UIC师生融融,共同漫步在博雅路上,这条路正越 志”的精彩故事。此之谓“博雅行”。 走越宽阔。路途中她有很多故事想讲给你听,如果 博雅教育在中国仍是新鲜理念,过去十一年 来 你稍加留心,你会很容易听到她坚毅的脚步声。 我们作为领路人,筚路蓝缕,尽力为中国高等教育 的多样化做点贡献,取得了些许成果。但我们不会 为眼前的成绩而沾沾自喜,我们将不改初心,努力 让我们的博雅教育更进一步。 02 校长 教授 Welcome to the launching issue of New Dimensions! As you open the first page of this magazine, you are turning a new page of UIC's periodicals. The college's history can be traced back to our former newspaper First Step in Four as well as our staff newsletter UIC Beacon. Now they have evolved into this comprehensive magazine that continues to present you with UIC's latest achievements in the areas of teaching, learning, research, and the connection to society. Indeed, the college is opening up a new dimension of China's tertiary education. On diversifying the country's tertiary education, we will keep on doing our level best to fulfil our vision of a liberal arts education based on a modicum of success that we have achieved. This December, UIC is going to host a conference of the esteemed Association for Yan Huang Culture of China, which is to convene distinguished Sinology scholars to Zhuhai for the first time. On that occasion, probably we will be also celebrating the establishment of an institute that aims at promoting Chinese culture nationally and globally. By this institute we want to let a creative series of stories about China be heard around the world, in addition to increasing the existing initiatives to disseminate Chinese culture. Also we plan to offer a Chinese style equestrianism course. This is the final bit that will make the picture of the traditional Six Arts education whole. At a larger level, we are also exploring the possibilities to host a global liberal arts education forum next year. We have organised eight SinoAmerican Liberal Arts Forums in the past. I expect this ultimate international forum will serve more professors and professionals in terms of academic collaboration. All of these efforts echo our determinations to develop a new liberal arts education by tapping into both classical Chinese and Western cultural traditions. UIC has many stories to tell. If you keep an ear for it, you will hear it out loud. Professor Ng Ching-Fai President 03