My first Magazine | Page 30

专题故事 Features
accomplished . In terms of administration , most of all , I can support the teachers . After all , the job of administration is for me to help teachers create a great classroom environment . Uche : I feel a sense of pride in seeing my students learn and develop into their own . Empowering students or people around me to become who they should be through teaching , mentoring , sharing of personal and professional experiences , , is part of what makes my life beautiful . My background , history and experiences shape my approach to everything that I do with my students , especially as it relates to teaching and learning . Talking about experiences , I advised a team of students who won the championship in the HKICPA national accounting QP Case Analysis Competition 2014 , which was a big honour . That experience is one example that validates my belief that every student is important , irrespective of his or her academic excellence or otherwise .
More about Charles ...
On being a writer … Charles : One of my fictions Your Flower Boy was nominated for the Pushcart Prize , submitted by the editors of New Writings in Criminal Justice at City University of New York . It is a collection of short stories about relationships between couples and individuals across different cultures . My stories often show the perspectives of both and some of the difficulties of economy they confront , communicating from one linguist in a cultural landscape to another .
I ' m writing a book . It ' s similar to the previous one . But I ' m working at a larger novel telling from different perspectives and experiences so as to picture the life and the neighbourhood community . I ' m trying to retell the story from different points of view .
How to engage with students … Charles : I think in any classroom the best way is to give your knowledge , and then also to be open to get feedback and to probably agree to make a conversation . The best classroom experiences are when you provide the basis where a conversation can form and then get their responses . Especially in China or when in any different culture , you sometimes get responses that surprise you , which makes the classroom experiences more rewarding .
I always try to listen and to have real relationships with students as an individual human being and get to know them .
查尔斯在导师关顾计划户外活动里与学生交流 。 摄影 : 姚雨彤 ( 大三 现当代英语语言文学 )
Charles meets his students in an outdoor activity of the Mentor Caring Programme . Photograph : Youth Yao ( CELL , Year 3 )
Adjusting to Zhuhai … Charles : My wife is from Tianjin , north of China . I would say I ' m familiar with being in a different culture . Tianjin and Zhuhai are different worlds . In terms of weather I ' m a bit more used to the north . On the other hand , I like the food in the south . Zhuhai is clean and it is easy to adapt to as opposed to Tianjin and other places .