My first Magazine | Page 22

摄影 : 王晓鹏 Photograph : Wang Xiaopeng

American Gentleman vs African Lion 美国绅士与非洲雄狮

Don ' t get me wrong . It is not about an adventure of a well-mannered American man who manages to survive in the wild like the hero of the movie Life of Pi ; nor does it show an uneven wrestling competition between DHSS Associate Dean and DBM Acting Associate Dean . We sit down and get to know the real backgrounds of these two men . We discover what brought them on this journey to UIC as well as what they like to enjoy when they are not working .
By Deen He
It is a never ending process – there is always a
person . He speaks tenderly , walks lightly ; but do not
dazzling list of books waiting for him to read after he
be deceived by that – he is not a slow thinker or an
finishes one . Being a bookworm by nature , Associate
indulgent teacher . He is very strict with the students
Professor Dr Charles Lowe surprisingly organises his
about their homework and likes to give various kinds
life very well despite a great workload .
of assignments with a rich array of requirements . He
Born in Hartford , Connecticut in the USA , he is
is open to a diversity of answers though , as long as
not a pedantic literature professor . His students
the students make a point .
describe him as a kind , gentle , patient and affable
Some might think Charles is a bit old-fashioned