My first Magazine | Page 2

目录 Table of Contents 《博雅行》 2016年11月第一期 02 校长寄语 President's Message 出版:新闻公关处 主编:齐禧庆 执行主编:吴艳 执行编辑:何锭 陈晓虹 专题故事 Features 学术动态 Academia 编辑:森木 张兰馨 谢婷婷 英文顾问:英语语言中心 04 设计:肖二元 高天 市级重点实验室挂牌 试建食品安全监测体系 41 Key lab to ensure food safety 插画:赵筝韵(大四 公共关系与广告) 封面摄影:王晓鹏 10 《博雅行》是北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 的校园杂志。如欲订阅本刊,请联系新闻公关处。 20 10 美国绅士与非洲雄狮 45 American Gentleman vs African Lion 16 三杰获教学与服务奖 教职员快讯 Staff news 46 Terrific teaching talent 联系电话:0756-3620638 讲座交流 Lectures and talks 学者著述 Academic publications 我与大学 The College and I 邮箱:[email protected] 地址:广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路28号 20 邮编:519085 48 校刊回顾 History Periodicals 52 艺观园 Art Gallery 许嘉璐:像UIC这样的学校办晚了 Prof Xu Jialu – UIC born late 学校网址: 24 改变人生志愿的高铁偶遇 The girls on the train New Dimensions November 2016, Issue 1 24 26 杨地:我是愚笨的匠人 Modern ancient artisan 28 龙运平:大学给了我一份底气 Strong girl on the move Publisher: Media and Public Relations Office Chief Editor: Chai Hi-Hing Managing Editor: Emily Wu Executive Editor: Deen He Cheryl Chen Editor: Samuel Burgess Lancy Zhang Tina Xie English Language Consultation: English Language Centre Designer: Jack Xiao Joy Gao Illustrator: Zhao Zhengyun (PRA, Year 4) Cover Photo: Wang Xiaopeng 30 不会西班牙语的会计师不是好律师 Diverse possibilities 校园新鲜事 Campus Matters 33 珠海文创产业研究出阶段成果 Research on local cultural and creative industries 34 New Dimensions is the official magazine of Beijing Normal 首届校友代表大会举行 First alumni representative meeting University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC). Please contact the Media and Public Relations Office if you would like to subscribe to the magazine. 35 三地学者共探大桥时代 Scholars on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 36 Tel: (86-756) 3620638 Email: [email protected] Address: 28 Jinfeng Road, Tangjiawan, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China, 519085 Website: 青年论坛助创业之路 Forum inspires young entrepreneurs 37 孔子诞学子行敬师礼 Revived ancient ceremony honours teachers 37 38 图说 In pictures 38