My first Magazine | Page 12

市级重点实验室挂牌 试建食品安全监测体系

Key lab to ensure food safety

UIC 的博雅教育以教学为主 , 同时也重视教学与 科研的良性互动 。 经历了逾十年的发展 , UIC 在科研 方面已经打下了一定的基础 , 而今更是进入了新的阶 段 。 2016 年 9 月 , UIC 联合斗门区河口渔业研究所建 立的珠海市农产品质量与食物安全重点实验室挂牌 。 实验室试图以海鲈产业链研究为突破口 , 建立更为健 全的检测监督体系 , 保障食品质量 , 回应公众关切的 食品安全问题 。
文 : 何锭
The Zhuhai Key Laboratory of Agricultural
Technology Programme , scholars from
Product Quality and Food Safety was
overseas universities , researchers from
officially launched at UIC on 28 September
various companies and government
2016 as a way to build an effective test and
agencies , in addition to experts in relevant
supervising system for agricultural product
fields based in the Pearl River Delta .
quality and food safety .
According to the director of the Key
Founded by UIC and the Zhuhai Doumen
Laboratory , Professor Lei Bo of the Food
Estuary Fisheries Institute , the Key
Science and Technology Programme , the
Laboratory is based on the laboratories and
team will conduct a series of research
facilities of UIC ' s food science and
projects with an emphasis on the industrial
environmental science programmes as well
sea bass production chain . Through these
as the institute ' s fishery experimental base .
projects they expect that they can establish
Its ambitious research team also includes
a better system to ensure safe agricultural
professors from the Computer Science and
products and food . ( By Deen He )