My first Magazine | Page 2


Life is a journey, a long journey filled with joys, sorrows, advantages, obstacles and endless opportunities to explore the limitless astonishing world around us. However, while it may be truly important to effectively perceive our universe, the greatest and most advantageous achievement one can attain in this journey, in my opinion, is to thoroughly explore and precisely identify the self, his own self.

Personally, I used to believe that my awareness of myself was almost perfect until I had the chance to experience a unique journey into the self over the past three months, a journey that has completely altered the way I used to know and understand myself. In the next concise chapters, I recount the highlights of my remarkable journey while utilizing art to convey my feelings and reflections through this journey to my respected audience.

Although I have never been interested in art, or that what I used to think, now, and after this long self-discovery journey, I believe that art is the ideal and most suitable method for me to express myself.