Introduce KBO(Korean Baseball Orgaization)
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Introuce KBO League Ten Teams
Lotte Giants
Champinion: 1984,1992
Mainplayer: Leedaeho, Sonahseob, Kangminho
Location:Busan(Sajik Baseball Stadium)
Estbalished Year :1982
KBO(Korea Baseball Organization) Key ActivitieS
- Administration of Korean Professional Baseball
- Official Host of KBO Regular season, All-star Game, and Post-season games
- Collection, research and analysis of league records and related documents
- Promotion of international baseball events
- Support the development of youth and amateur baseball
- Development and distribution of baseball-related technologies
- Welfare, reward and punishment of members
- Communication within members
- Establishment and management of baseball museums, libraries,
and baseball centers
- Publications of KBO Official Year Book and other official publications