My first Magazine | Page 13

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How Mother Nature fights back

We all know that we the humans are destroying the planet that we are living on. How our factories and cars are contributing to global warming as well as our luxury life are making us more and more spoiled. But this comfortable life won’t last long since we didn’t listen to the call of nature and the warnings have already begun. My name is Steve Hendricks and I was on a mission from the Global Green Growth Institute in late October last year to seek the ways Mother Nature fights back.

For twoweeks, I have traveled around the United States to see the aftermath of the worst natural disasters in the most recent years. Such as the 2017 Hurricanes Jose, Irma and Harvey. Combined the cost of their damage is about $355 Billion dollars and killed 241 people.

When I first got to Houston, Texas my first sight was horrifying. Everything is broken. There are almost no trees still standing straight up and most of the houses are missing walls or roofs. There are people out on the streets freezing and crying. It was a horrible sight nonetheless.

- “People are really breaking down and y’all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what is wrong with us,”

A survivor told one of the reporters when he asked for an interview after Hurricane Harvey.

A third of Houston was underwater when Harvey struck, leaving many without shelter or food. Many were injured or even killed. The hurricane was a category 4 storm. Second to the most dangerous storm in the USA only to be beaten by hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Hurricanes are becoming more and more common these days. Some of the worst were last year, with hurricane Irma, Jose and Harvey causing hundreds of billion dollars in damage and killing hundreds of people. This could have been prevented if we had just listened to Mother Nature´s warnings, because if we do not do anything then this is only the beginning.