My first Magazine | Page 11

Nam Faucibus Pulvinar

Nam porta luctus odio, quis tincidunt quam elementum a. Phasellus laoreet gravida sagittis.

Nunc Purus


Ut pulvinar est non efficitur tincidunt arcu ex finibus

Lorem Porta Luctus

ptent taciti sociosqu




Animal life requires a steady supply of water to fulfill its vital functions. From transportation to lubrication to temperature regulation, water keeps animal life functioning;in fact ,the bodies of animals consist mostly of water.


Throughout the world ,irrigation is probably the most important use of water (execept for drinking).

Estimates vary, but about 70 percent of all the world's frashwater withdrawalas go towards irrigation use.

Irrigation has been aroud since humans have been cultivating plants.


Fish live in fresh water,in lakes and rivers. Many fish live in salt water,in the ocean. These fish are wild,but in many countries there are now also fish farms; where there are a lot of fish.



Some machines need water for start, and others work with water movement.


We transport things by water. Ships travel on the seas, rivers and canals


In most power plants, water cools the steam that spins the electricity-generation turbines. It can be possible only if it rains a lot or with high mountains.