My first Magazine | Page 15

It’s Your Earth Cold Winds Blow It's your earth. Will you neglect it, Or nurture it? Will you tend it, Or squander it away? The choice is yours, But if you're going To make a stand, You'd better start today. ~Anonymous Cold Winds blow, Falls end and winter begins. Hibernating bulbs Will softly sleep until the Next spring thaw. ~Anonymous Precious Descendants In Celebration of Earth Day Oh white wave Mistress of the sea, And you, bright fame Of the island; Together you teach The one who is like God; A heavenly flower That blooms with your touch. Protected under the Wings of constancy Rejoice, for your Grandmother is a Pearl; Cloaked in iridescent white, Layers upon layers, She shines in her Wealth of Wisdom. ~Connie Marcum Wong In celebration of Earth Day, Why not plant a tree? It will produce fresh air, And be a joy for all to see. In celebration of Earth Day, Go and visit a local park. Get back in touch with nature, Its sites and sounds in light and dark. In celebration of Earth Day Try to be more aware, Of how your actions affect this world And devote yourself to its care. ~Anonymous