Patient Registration Center meant that the waiting time in the Hospital had come down by nearly 6 hours per patient . The 3 am serpentine lines were no longer there . They were replaced by a more orderly queue system that commenced at 8 am and reached the OPD consultation rooms by 9 am .
The most innovative feature of the new model was the introduction n of EXIT OPD Counters . Patients who were recommended for advanced Laboratory Tests , Radio-Diagnosis , Virology and Pathology Tests as follow-up appointments , all of which could be scheduled from the EXIT OPD Counters . The Patient thus
had a very orderly journey from the point of entry to the Hospital to the point of exit . Even the VIP Patients including the officials at senior position in government willingly went through the entire OPD Transformation Process and found the entire experience quite expeditious and satisfying .
Specialised Cadres
AIIMS transformed itself into a patient friendly hospital by its willingness to adopt the modern day digital practices and create specialized cadres who enabled rapid scaling up of the new technology . The Nursing Informatics Specialists provided the linkage between the Clinical Departments and the OPD appointments .
AIIMS – India ’ s First Fully Digital Public Hospital
Hitherto , the implementation of the e-Hospital project had not been orderly . For AIIMS to be a fully Digital Hospital , each of the e-Hospital modules needed to implement in an orderly manner to create a comprehensively digital hospital . By June 2016 , the e-Hospital module implementation in AIIMS was completed . The NIC took a big step forward in completing the AIIMS e-Hospital Project . NIC Teams from Tripura worked with each of the Departments in AIIMS in
The most innovative feature of the new model was the introduction of EXIT OPD Counters
a prescribed time frame to transform AIIMS as India ’ s first fully digital public hospital .
The modules comprised of Blood Bank module , Billing Module , In-Patient Department comprising admission and bed to bed management , Laboratory
Module integrating 55 laboratories , establishment of nearly 200 Kiosks with Net Banking Facilities for ease of payments , Laundry Module for monitoring the central laundry operations , Store management for inventory purposes , Dietary Module for preparation of electronic diet charts for in-patients , and RIS-PACS ( Radiology Imaging System – Picture Archiving Communications System ) for exchange of radiology data .
The Titanic is Saved
The transformation of AIIMS to a patient friendly hospital under the Digital India Initiative can be compared to “ Saving the Titanic ”. Under the Digital India Initiative , a core team of officials collaborated cordially and constructively over a long period of time to make the First Digital Revolution in Health Care possible . There was considerable resistance from every possible quarters – patients , support and administrative staff , security apparatus and even some medicos had their share of doubt during the course of the implementation of the Project . Needless to say , now everyone is satisfied and happy . As the success story unfolds benefitting 35 lakh patients , in 12 months ’ time , the hours and hours of effort put in by those involved in the project , are adequately rewarded . The Prime Minister launched the Online Registration System as part of the Digital India Initiatives in July 2015 . Following a year of successful implementation wherein the project benefitted 35 lac patients , the Prime Minister mentioned the successful implementation of the AIIMS e-Hospital Project from the ramparts of Red Fort in his Independence Day Address this year . The AIIMS OPD Transformation Project has enthused several State Governments . AIIMS has been mandated to conduct on-boarding workshops for replication across all 12 Central Government Hospitals . �
November 2016 13 www . smartgovernance . in